October 2nd, 2022
Partnering with 3 Disciplines
Since the first event priority one has been the safety of the athletes, to 3 Disciplines. Attention to detail and creating a first class event experience.
17 years and almost 1000 events later that is still the 3 Disciplines priority one. Clearly marked, big signage throughout the event venues.
Finisher medals to everyone at the event, a shirt guarantee, the best post event snack tent ending with a raffle and awards ceremony.
Come experience it for yourself.
Eastern Michigan Universities pool and campus will set the scene for this incredible scholarship benefit event. Swimming in the university pool, biking on the bike path to and from the university and run around the campus finishing next to the pool in the courtyard.
All Females first, followed by men, followed by the super sprint.
Register the entire family now and we will see you there! please spread the word and friends, family, work colleagues. Every thought about doing a triathlon this is the perfect way to start. Whether you are a veteran or beginner come support and honor Makayla and this new scholarship in her honor.